Tuesday, December 15, 2009

So this is what I've been up to...

Yarn!!!!!! I've been a busy bee the last few months creating a new yarn line. Wabi Sabi Yarns. I am really excited about it and enjoying dyeing the yarn so much!!!!! I will be having the Wabi Sabi Yarns store opening tonight at 9pm MST.

Here's a sneak peek at some of the yarns to be offered, with more pics on my flickr page.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Limited edition CUSTOM Holiday Fiber Club

Hi everyone!!! Please forgive me for my lack of updates recently. Between focusing on necessary home improvements (danger of the deck collapsing) and branding a new YARN LINE to be sold at retail stores, I haven't been able to be in the dye pots as much as I would like. So I wanted to offer something very special to my loyal customers. A CUSTOM COLOR FIBER CLUB, just for the holidays! The fiber offered will be extra special as I LOVE it so. It will be 6 ounces of the finest Targhee combed top with an average staple length of 4 inches, super soft and bouncy with an approximate micron count of 22. Really amazingly lovely stuff.

You will have a choice of three colorways. Each colorway will be built around one predominant color. Red (a), Violet (b) or Teal (c). These are approximate swatches and please understand that not all monitors depict color the same way. You will have your choice of three primary colors. Each colorway will be built around one predominant custom color. Red (a, top), Violet (b, middle) or Teal (c, bottom). These are approximate swatches and please understand that not all monitors depict color the same way. Once you pick your choice of a main color I will contact you within the coming weeks to work with you on creating your TRUE CUSTOM COLORWAY. We'll talk about other colors you would like to incorporate, depth of shade, etc. This fiber will truly be one of a kind, created just for you alone.

Each fiber will be gift wrapped and include a mini sample skein of my new yarn line, debuting over the holiday season. U.S. shipping will be by Priority Mail to ensure that you receive your holiday fiber the week of December 14th. Space is limited, so lock in your spot while you can! Spaces for this custom holiday club will be opening on my Etsy shop throughout the day and are $28 a spot. If you would like a double or triple helping please contact me and I will create a special listing for you.

Thank you and happy holidays!!!! ~Lisa

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Knitting is SEXY!

The Knitting is Sexy calendar is being released tomorrow in Denver. The whole idea of this calendar is so fabulous!

And here is the direct link to the Knitting is Sexy website. Have a look!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fiber update and November Fiber club openings, 9pm MST TONIGHT!

Tonight, October 14th, I will be having a spinning fiber update at 9pm MST, as well as opening limited slots for the November Fiber Club!!! Come one come all and hope to see you there!!!


current colorways by you.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Introducing Crash Test Colorways!

Hi everyone,

Well, I’ve been absent for a while while I was awaiting a precision scale and other supplies so that I can now write down formulas in order to repeat colorways. I am in the process of creating a permanent collection of colorways which will be loaded to the store on a regular basis and capable of being repeated.

While I determine which colorways will be permanent, I will be doing a bunch of testing. The test rovings will be offered in my Etsy store as “Crash Test Colorways”, only available in that one Etsy posting as it was a test colorway. Along the way, if any colorways really speak to you, please post here to let me know. I will consider reproducing the most popular ones. :)

BTW, Miss Poppy Flower is doing very well these days. Not up to 100%, but at least to 95% :D.

crash test colorways 6 crash test colorway 5 crash test colorway 4 crash test colorway 3 crash test colorway 2 crash test colorway 1

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Socks in September SALE! Plus FREE SHIPPING!

As part of my birthday-month celebration and to kick off the cooler months, I am having a Socks in September Sale! All sock yarn marked down by 25% for a limited time only, while supplies last. Plus FREE SHIPPING on all sock yarn to Canada and U.S.! Reduced International shipping! Enjoy!


cinnamon stick

Monday, August 31, 2009

Updated tonight, 9pm EST

I will be adding a few braids of hand-painted Merino combed top this evening. Here's a peak:

mosaic f/ravelry

Sorry my entries have been so sparse. Poppy is continuing to improve, but fighting some kind of stomach problem. Taking her in to see the vet yet again on Wednesday to try to fix it. :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Customer Appreciation SALE!

All 4oz braids of spinning fiber will be REDUCED to $14 as a celebration of Poppy's improving health thanks to my loyal friends and customers.

Here's what I've been up to lately in the dyeing pots:

aug 13 spinning fiber mosaic

sock yarn mosaic

On a Poppy note, she is continuing to improve. I just took her off the pain medication today to see how she does, and so far so good. :)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Fiber club giveaway WINNER!!!!!

And the winner is.........Beadmomsw on Etsy!!!!! Using the random number generator above, your number 48 was selected!!!! Congratulations! I will be contacting you today to arrange for your custom dye of 8oz Cashmere/Superfine Merino.

Thanks to all who have participated! Poppy is doing much better and the MRI that you helped fund is what allowed the docs to determine a diagnosis and treat her. Without the MRI she would still be in very poor condition. If it were not for all those who participated in so many ways, the MRI would not have been possible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Poppy update

I started Poppy on the Western med protocol yesterday, despite my reservations. I could not get an appointment with a good holistic vet until next week, and that vet suggested I put her on the steroids for the time being just to give her some relief. She's been on them since yesterday and thankfully her mood and mobility has noticeably improved. I'm still concerned about the side effects, but so far so good, and the holistic vet should be able to give some alternatives or healthy supplementation. It makes me so happy to see her wag her tail again after this month long struggle.

Will update as she gets stronger.

Thank you!!!

Friday, July 31, 2009

A possible diagnosis...

Immune Mediated Polyarthritis. The vet seems to think all signs are pointing to this since the MRI ruled out any tumors or lesions. The allopathic treatment for this is prednisone and imuran which is very, very hard on the liver. So I have booked an appointment with an integrative vet for Tuesday for some alternatives and/or some ideas of supporting her system if she needs to go on these drugs. I am aware that milk thistle can help her little liver and that fish oils will help with the inflammation, but I want a tx plan from an expert. Just hope they got the diagnosis correct.
Put a call into the vet again today for the MRI results. Still waiting... In the meantime, hoping her hair grows back soon. She's looking pretty sad.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Miss Poppy got her MRI today

A pic of poppy from today. The two shaved legs are from Friday's procedure and the neon green wrap is from today's MRI procedure where the IV was inserted.

I just picked Poppy up from her MRI. She's still a little groggy from the anesthesia and has a cute green bandage on her leg from where the IV was, but the tech said that Poppy was a "rockstar" and handled the procedure beautifully. The next step is for the radiologist to review the images to make a determination. This should take 2 to 3 days. I asked the tech if she could give me any kind of clue and she told me that they thought that there were a few areas that looked "suspicious" but that they really couldn't read them accurately and that I needed to wait for word back from the expert.

On a note of relief, the front desk turned out to be uber sweet when it came to paying for it and took my down payment with the agreement to pay the remainder next week. This is a super enormous help.

Continued thanks to everyone. Every day someone emails me with new information, new suggestions, financial support, you name it. I am so appreciative. It has inspired me, along with a suggestion from a fiber friend, to create a Miss Poppy fiber club series with colorways inspired by Miss Poppy's favorite things, including updates of her journey and hopeful progress.

xoxo Lisa

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Today's Poppy scoop

Talked to the vet again today and she believes that an MRI is imperative and needing to be done within the next 48 hours. They are aware of my current financial struggles and are allowing me to put down a down payment with a post-dated check for the remainder that they will cash next week. This is a huge help considering the estimate for the MRI is now at $1600 (they want to flush some dye through her body in certain areas if necessary and some other thing or panel). It's interesting the way they do it. She will be anesthetized at the vet's, then taken by doggie ambulance with a doc to a people's hospital where they will do the MRI. I'm comforted to know that she is having it done at a human hospital. I would think that the techs would be very good there.

So the contributions thus far are going to enable me to make that down payment on the MRI which is remarkable. It's such a help. I'm going to do my best with raising more with maybe some auctions or some different raffles to cover the rest. And of course stocking the store with more fiber hopefully by Friday or this weekend.

Thank you all once again!!! You people are phenomenal!!

xo Lisa

Monday, July 27, 2009

Poppy update

Talked to the vet today and am very frustrated. I don't think she knows what the heck she's talking about. She said her joints showed some inflammation. No, really?! Poppy is still running a fever, still hobbling around, still in a great deal of pain and she wants to give it a couple of more days. Some more time on anti-biotics which are doing *nothing*. Writing this is making me heated, so I'm going to wrap it up now. I'll be talking to her again tomorrow and pushing for a better answer. She still did not have a firm diagnosis for me and MRI is still likely.

Thanks for all the support, peoples. I am deeply touched by how many people have been coming forward in so many ways to help both my pup and me.

Prize Drawing to support Poppy's MRI!

Hi Everyone! I will be giving away two August Uberlicious Fiber Club memberships to one lucky winner. August's Uberlicious fiber is 4 ounces of hand-painted 80/20 SUPERFINE 19.5 micron MERINO/Mongolian CASHMERE combed top. So the lucky winner will be receiving at least 8 ounces of this luxury blend, hand-painted by me AND get to choose the colorway. This is an $80 value and will ship to you free of charge.

Thank you so much for your support! Poppy and I both appreciate it.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Poppy today

poor girl's fur has been shaved on all 4 legs due to the procedures. will talk to the vet tomorrow about how long i can delay the mri until i raise the money and if she can survive a delay.

follow poppy's fundraising story and progress here.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Poppy needs your help

(pics of poppy in better days)

My pup, Miss Poppy Flower, is seriously ill. After multiple blood tests, multiple x-rays, and a procedure which extracted synovial fluid from her joints and is currently being cultured, the docs are gravely concerned. This once 45 pound dog is now 28 pounds and continuing to lose. The docs think an expensive MRI is in order followed by surgery and rehab. I am asking for as much help as I can get because I have a pretty good idea that it is going to be a long and costly haul. My last pups illness set me back $10k. eeek! But I would be forever grateful even to raise just $1k so that she can have her MRI. I have never done this before. Never asked for $$ online, never asked for money from friends, but a friend gave me the suggestion after her kitty was very sick and she had to raise $$ for her kitty's vet expenses. If it wasn't for my bills from my last pup's decline from October to March, my surgery in April, and now Poppy's two back-to-back illnesses which began in April this wouldn't be an issue. The last few months have just broke me.

Thank you all for your consideration. Anything you can give, even $5, even $1, would help so much. And social networking regarding this cause would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!!!!

Follow Poppy's story, fundraising, and progress here.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Introducing hand-dyed YARN and update tonight!

Hey all!

I have a great new addition to my etsy shop. Hand-dyed yarn!!! Dyed in organic tone-on-tone colorways which will not pool. Todays addition being added to the store at 9pm EST will include cashmere lace weight, cashmere/silk DK weight, superwash merino fingering, and superwash merino/tencel fingering. Come on by and have a look! poppyflowerfibers.com

p.s....i'll trim this post later to cut down on the size of the photos. just in a bit of a rush right now. :)

hand-dyed yarn
hand-dyed yarn
hand-dyed yarn
hand-dyed yarn
hand-dyed yarn
hand-dyed yarn
hand-dyed yarn
hand-dyed yarn
hand-dyed yarn
hand-dyed yarn

And here are the pics of the fiber being added: